Saturday, August 15, 2009

Faye & Greg: Lady in Red Navy Style

Faye and Greg are in the Navy reserve where their intimate ceremony took place. This wedding was in August, but it looks like fall! This day was so much fun, Faye and Greg are a sassy couple with wicked taste; a red wedding dress. COOL!

The navy reserve base was open for guests only; a really beautiful and intimate ceremony!

What a great shot! This dress is amazing, we took full advantage of this unique wedding dress! Great pose Faye!

In the limo on our way to the Shangri-la Hotel downtown Vancouver. This couple is too cool! We definitely stopped traffic for the shot in the water, and so many by-standers had their cameras out! Dan and I got our feet wet for that one too!

We are stunned at this shot!!! It couldn't be any better.

Again at the Shangri-la. Everything came in to place this day. Sweet architecture, sweet clouds, and a sweet couple with their sweet wedding party.

Seriously! This group was a BLAST!! So many laughs this day! We headed to Gastown for these shots, and the red dress just fit the backdrops so well.

We barely had to pose these two! They knew exactly what they wanted and gave every pose 150%.

Right before jumping on the boat!

These two and their friends are goofs! Look at Greg's speedo gift....very nice!

And a beautiful sunset, we just had to pull them away from the party for some creatives...

Faye and Greg's first dance was on the deck outside on the boat; no ceiling to bounce our flashes we rimmed them instead!

Instead of a guest signing book, Faye and Greg had this awesome idea of having their guests sign paper laterns, and before the boat docked, they released 3 of these laterns into the sky. What a great way to end the night!

Thank you BOTH for such a great day! We had the greatest time with you and your wedding party. Everyone was so kind and Kat reunited with an old highschool friend! Small world!

The best to both of you, hope your honeymoon was a BLAST!!


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