Monday, July 27, 2009

Michael & Tina: Ceremonies, Color, Celebration!

We had the previledge of shooting Michael and Tina's wedding in July. The day was full of ceremonies and traditions and lots of emotion!

What a cutie!

In the temple, quickly filling up.

Yes, that's a sword Michael's holding! A sea of beautiful vibrant colors!

Everyone was hand-fed a pasty dough after the ceremony

Some quick creatives at the Burnaby Art Museum. We had little time to shoot these as there was a small time frame and the videographers had there thing to do too! But we got some! Thank you Michael and Tina for bearing the hot hot hot weather! It was SO hot!

A gorgeous traditional dress!

I love this shot!! Beautiful lashes!!

Mike's got very nice eyes too :)

After a little break and wardrobe change, we're now at the reception in Richmond for food, speeches and dancing!

Another gorgeous dress of the Tina's...

The dancing started literally right away! So fun! And there was a belly dancer for some entertainment....very very cool.

People had some good moves! Dan and I couldn't help dancing to the music as we were shooting....!

This was an amazing wedding! Everyone was so kind and we most definitely had a blast!

Thank you Mike and Tina :)




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