Saturday, May 9, 2009

Karen & Bryan: Deer Lake Fun!

Wow, we've only been back a week and it's already right back into it. 3 E-sessions and last Saturday Karen & Bryan's Big Day. Also, if you missed it, check out there E-session.

The Beautiful Karen getting ready, and some of her fabulous details.

Almost time,

Hee hee, she kept on running around all through the service.

Newly weds at last.

After the Service we went to Deer Lake for Formals and such, but first we went to this super duper old Carousel nearby for some fun times on 100 year old carved wooden horses.

The Men...

Being silly boys.

The especially beautiful Bridal Party.

A few fun shots and we're out of time but not before

this shot of Karen's stunning blue eyes.

On to the reception

There super cute flower girl wanted to dance along during there very first dance, I wasn't about to stop her.

Top left, friendly groomsmen "A" snags Kat for a dance while I get photographed... photographing Kat by friendly groomsmen "B"... Friendly groomsmen "A" seemed to give her a lot of attention...hmmmmm.

The bouquet toss, who'll be next?

Excellently skilled maneuvering!

And on to Photo Booth Fun for all, sorry if we've left you out...

Oh yeah and that's the guy the caught the guarder, and rather proud of it... so it would seem.

You can check out their complete gallery here if you like.

Congratulations Karen and Bryan,
We wish you all the best

Dan & Kat


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