Saturday, March 7, 2009

Laura & Nathan: Creatives in the snow!

Vancouver is home to many beautiful things, amazing views, fantastic beaches, great shops... but it is also home to very "unpredictable" weather! Laura and Nathan's special day started off with a beautiful sun filtered slightly with thin clouds, a photographer's dream! Then it started to cloud up, "no problem, we'll work our magic." Then it started to rain a little, "out come plastic bags and umbrellas, still workable." Then it got really cold and windy, "Dan forgot to bring a jacket, thankfully our assistant had a spare." But to top everything off it started to hail and snow during the creatives.... my oh my, what a crazy day.

But we still had fun, and the wedding party was well prepared with an arsenal of colourful umbrellas and cars with heaters blasting between locations. Hope you enjoy the pics :)

The boys

Here she comes

The inside of the beautiful Sherbrooke Mennonite Church with Tilt-Shift loveliness.

A few candid shots during family portraits

We told you it was snowing, yes those are SANDALS two of the bridesmaids are wearing... They were a little chilled on the toes.

Off to somewhere undercover till the snow passes...

And to take some nifty photos while we're there. Concrete squares, a happy find!

Some kuel ring shotz by Kat.

A few more funky portraits with "super assistant" Matt on lighting, you may have seen him if you've been following us for a while. He's also a "super client," check out his blog Matt & Rachel.

Absolutely LOVE this one of the guys. Matt (super assistant) climbed up good and high to light this one.

Meanwhile, Kat grabbed this awesome detail of the boys standing on the cement pipe...auhh thing. That was BTW not really secure, is rolled back and forth a little... Safety first?

The boys... ahhh I mean, MEN....

The Ladies.

Goofin' around....all key shift style...

And a jumping shot, cause they're FUN!

Yes, that groomsmen is kissing the back of Nathan's head....

Skipping ahead to the dance

Some Photo-Booth highlights.

She was so much fun.

"The single guys," their words... No Lie.

Congrats to Laura and Nathan,
we had a blast and thank
you so much for having us as a
part of your day.

All the best


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Blogger dbroox said...

Fantastic job! I love how the weather varied so much. Nice shot of me kissing the back of Nathan's bald dome.


March 16, 2009 at 6:16 p.m.  

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